Through its community-wide fundraising efforts, the CAUW helps to support 34 programs and services offered through 13 local CAUW funded agencies.
Through a strong volunteer system, CAUW brings together business, government, and committed people to address local health and human service needs in Hughes and Stanley counties.

The Capital Area United Way has set a goal of $585,000 for the 2024-2025 "35 Years of Doing Good." campaign!
Now, more than ever, our community needs YOUR help.
Help us reach our goal by supporting our campaign.
Your donations help our 13 nonprofit Partner Agencies, as well as United Way Community Impact Programs, in Hughes and Stanley counties!

Our Impact
Difference Your Dollars Makes
$2 Per Week
1 week of summer camp to an underprivileged youth where they will be safe, active and learn new skills and values.
1 GED student to take the four required tests.
Year-round hands-on STEAM programs for 2 kids in a local after school program.
6 program handbooks for advancement for low-income Scouts.
5 sessions of support to a breastfeeding mom and baby.
20 blankets to provide warmth and comfort to people forced from their homes by fire or disaster.