Board of Directors
Board members meet monthly to further the strategic work and mission of Capital Area United Way (CAUW). They take seriously their fiduciary responsibility to make sure the resources that are entrusted to the organization are wisely used as a result. CAUW board members actively participate in committees that help carry out the work of the organization.
Board members are volunteers from across the service area of Hughes and Stanley counties. There are 25 board members, who may serve a maximum of two three-year terms. Of the 25, there are four student members chosen from grades 10-12 within the student bodies of the Pierre and Stanley County school systems. Student terms last through the student’s senior year.
Each year the board elects a President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer, who serve as the Executive Committee. The Executive Director is an appointed position, serving at the pleasure of the Board, and an Ex-Officio member of the Executive Committee.
The campaign chair, an individual or couple selected from the community, is appointed each year by the President, with the approval of the Executive Committee, and serves as an Ex-Officio member without voting rights.

Executive Committee
Laura Ringling, State of South Dakota
1st Vice President
Amanda Dodson, Delta Dental of South Dakota
2nd Vice President
Kim Malsam-Rysdon, Avera St. Mary's
Amy Dalton, First Dakota National Bank
Michael Hudson, First National Bank
Immediate Past President
Nicole Gordon, Central SD Enhancement District

Board of Directors
Lance Bertram
Liza Clark
Logan Cowan-Fodness
Amy Dalton
Amanda Dodson
Jared Fodness
Michael Hudson
Natalie Jung
Kim Malsam-Rysdon
Laura Ringling
Katie Sieverding
Joan Umiker
Erica Coughlin
Shannon Malone
Kevin Larsen
Kelsey Geppert
Sara Maher
Luke Olson
Avera St. Mary's
State of SD Board of Regents
Swenson and Cowan Dentistry
First Dakota National Bank
Delta Dental
Reinke Gray Wealth Management
First National Bank
State of North Dakota
Avera Health
State of South Dakota
Lancaster Management Group
Pierre Dental Clinic
State of South Dakota
State of South Dakota
T.F. Riggs High School
T.F. Riggs High School
Board Member Application
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